By: Sheriff Carmine Marceno

Property fraud has become an increasingly common criminal matter across the entire nation. As most property owners are unaware of this growing concern, I am recommending that Lee County property owners consider registering for the free “Property Fraud Alert” offered by the Lee County Clerk of the Court.
Property fraud occurs when an unauthorized individual utilizes your identity to transfer your property into their name or fraudulently record documents related to your property. A counterfeit, forged document is created and then recorded into the county’s official records.
Property fraud can result in costly and complicated problems and, as these criminal acts are often undiscovered until attempting to sell or refinance your property, the fraud can result in irreparable damage.
Once registered, property owners receive notification, within 24 hours, when a deed, mortgage or other land record with their registered name on it has been recorded into the county’s official records.
Additionally, those who do not own property can also use this service so as to be notified of any documents being recorded in their name.
Property owners can register multiple properties, whether owned personally or commercially, by visiting