Safety Is Necessary Around Fireworks Regardless of Holiday

Submitted By: Jody Van Cooney

Fireworks are lovely but can be very dangerous.  They should be handled by professionals if at all possible.  However, many individuals purchase them for home display, especially during holidays such as the Fourth of July, Labor Day, and New Year’s Eve.  According to a recent study, the Centers for Disease Control has found that most injuries reported about fireworks involve burns, with males receiving the most injuries.

The CDC provides the following pointers for using fireworks:

  • The old adage “if all else fails, read the directions” should be followed even if you feel you know how to use a particular firework.
  • Although sparklers are one of the most popular fireworks, especially for children, they can be very dangerous as they can heat up to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit (hot enough to melt gold).
  • Use fireworks only outdoors and have water handy.
  • Never re-light a “dud” firework; wait 15-20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water.
  • Be sure everyone is out of range before lighting fireworks; bystanders are more frequently injured by fireworks than the people who use them.
  • Only light one firework at a time and never let children handle or light fireworks.

For the safest of holidays, let the professionals handle the fireworks.  Enjoy one of the many fireworks displays held in the area.

The Lee County Injury Prevention Coalition serves as a collaborative effort or partnership whose function is to facilitate partners’ work and act as a catalyst for injury prevention initiatives.  Its mission is to prevent injury, disability, and death through advocacy, education, legislation, and partnerships

Additional information about the Injury Prevention Coalition or handling fireworks, contact Brian Raimondo at or 239-330-2240.

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