By Commissioner Brian Hamman
As January brings the past year to a close, we look forward to the blessings and opportunities that 2022 will bring for our communities in Lee County. The economic future is bright in both Lehigh Acres and East Lee County. Through the leadership of your state and local leaders, our economy recovered quicker than almost anywhere in the nation and we are poised to continue that success over the next year.
Lee County is growing and we are ready to handle it with new infrastructure projects throughout the county including Lehigh Acres and East Lee County. Projects like the installation of over 1,000 new streetlights at major intersections and several dead-end streets, will continue to make Lehigh Acres safer for drivers and pedestrians. You will also continue to see more streets being paved in Lehigh Acres as County Commissioners continue to commit additional dollars to ensure this project gets completed as soon as possible. Another infrastructure project that has helped our growing county is the widening of State Road 82. By making this corridor safer and easier to travel the communities around it will continue to thrive, but we also need to make sure they remain safe. That is why the Board of County Commissioners continues to support our Lee County Sheriff by providing the necessary resources to hire additional deputies so that fast growing communities in East Lee County remain secure.
In 2022, County Commissioners will remain focused on those in need by taking a responsible and efficient look at using the additional federal funding available to Lee County. We recognize that the pandemic has affected some communities differently than others and so we want to make sure we are making the best decisions with your tax dollars.
As one of your county commissioners, Lehigh Acres and East Lee County is a priority to me and my office. Please feel free to send me your thoughts and concerns by calling 239-533-2226 or
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Wishing you and your family a prosperous New Year!