Scouts Undertake Upgrades at Alva Museum

Sage Burris and her team after the completion
of the little library.

By: James Kennedy

The Alva Museum has seen a flurry of activity in the last month. Most notable of the excitement is the installation of a mini-lending library by Eagle Scout candidate Sage Burris and the refurbishment of the utility building and deck by Eagle Scout candidate Tyler Eymann. Before they earn the title, Sage and Tyler must complete their community service projects. These projects are a genuine benefit to the community. They enhance the museum grounds and directly support the Alva Museum’s role in preserving and promoting the culture and heritage of Alva.

Eagle Scout is the highest rank that can be attained in Scouting and represents a culmination of the skills and knowledge gained by the scout throughout their participation in the program. Achieving the rank of Eagle Scout is challenging; less than five percent of all scouts have risen to the rank since the award’s inception. The community service project is a key part of achieving this final rank, requiring research, planning, teamwork, and management from the Eagle candidate to complete this milestone.

Sage, 15, has been in Scouting for about four years, and Tyler, 17, has been involved since he was three, he said jokingly. His brother is also an Eagle Scout, and Tyler’s whole family has supported them and their troops. Sage and Tyler credit their families for being critical parts of their success in scouting.

When asked how they thought scouting had prepared them for their projects, their responses were very similar: Scouting had helped them develop the confidence and leadership skills necessary to not only plan but lead their team through the execution of these projects. With assistance and mentoring from their troop leaders, Tyler and Sage were the project managers who ensured the project met the needs of their customers, the museum, and the Alva community.

Sage proposed and installed a mini lending library and bench at the corner of the museum property at the intersection of Julia St and Pearl St. The library box was constructed to resemble the Alva Museum and is stocked with books for residents to borrow and swap. Page also provided landscaping and cleaned the historical marker located nearby.

Tyler is refurbishing the utility building, painting the deck, and making other upgrades to the museum grounds. He says this project was a valuable learning experience, and he is taking away a better understanding of planning and executing projects like this.

The Alva Museum thanks Sage and Tyler for their hard work and dedication to their community. The families and troops of these scouts can be proud of the great Scouts and people they have become. Well done, Sage and Tyler.

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