Exciting News: Potential New YMCA Facility

By: Butch Swank | butch@goodladandswank.com | President, SWFL Business Alliance & Owner, Goodlad & Swank Insurance, LLC

I’ve got some cool news to share. First, though, I want you to know a survey is involved, and we must get as many people as possible to complete it. I have a QR code and the link further below. Ok, back to the cool news. I imagine you remember Gwyn Gittens, former District 5 Lee County School Board member, being very active during her time there. Well, you won’t be surprised to hear she keeps busy serving our community by being on the YMCA’s Executive Board of Directors. She’s been advocating for us to get our own Y for over two years. Just like her time on the School Board, she’s been very effective on the Board of the YMCA. Gwyn’s work has brought us to the point that the YMCA is considering establishing a brand-new facility right in Lehigh Acres.  The potential new center could offer many different options, and it’s up to us to let the YMCA know what we need. So, again, I really would like it if you could scan the QR Code below and fill out that survey. The YMCA has, in the past, put community surveys out in other areas only to get very few responses. The YMCA correctly decided against moving forward with a new facility there because it was clear that the community had little interest.

Personally, I think we desperately need a YMCA. This proposed facility could feature a crazy amount of amenities and programs tailored to meet the different needs of our growing community. What amenities are you talking about, Butch? Great question! They’re considering after-school care to give our kids extra help with educational activities after school hours. There could also be youth programs that we need so much to keep our young people in a positive and enriching environment. I spent a lot of time at the Y as a kid, and looking back, I know it helped me a lot. First, it helped keep me out of trouble and second, I got to be around some truly great people that helped shape who I am today. The Y is even where I had my first job, which was as a lifeguard. Man, I remember feeling so cool putting that lanyard with a whistle around my neck. I was drunk with lifeguard power, and on top of that, the Y even paid me to do it! Great, great memories. I’m pretty sure I spent every penny I earned on plastic worms, hooks, and fishing line, but I stand by that decision and have no regrets.

The facility could also offer a swimming pool for lessons, aquatic exercise, lane time for athletes and triathletes, and a basketball court providing a space for other sports and fitness activities.

Finally, the new YMCA could create opportunities for our senior citizens to stay active and connected through different engaging activities for older people. Also, we currently have no real spaces for people to gather, and the Y could also provide a place for gatherings, events, and meetings. We definitely could use that!

Participating in the YMCA’s survey is essential for this fantastic opportunity to become a reality. The survey does two things: if they get enough responses, it will let the YMCA know that our community desperately needs a facility here and also tell them what we lack and what we want. Your response is crucial because it will directly influence the YMCA’s planning and development of this project so it can best serve the needs and desires of our community.

For the gazillionth time, please fill out the danged survey. Yes, we’re getting some new restaurants (Holy cow, did you know we’re getting a Chick-fil-A? Woo-hoo!!!), but facilities like this are not anywhere on the horizon, and the YMCA wants to step up and make this happen. I am grateful for all the Y has done for me, and I would love to see the same opportunity for our kids and community in general. QR or click away, please!

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