A Letter from Amanda Cochran

amanda cochran

I am deeply humbled and incredibly honored by the support I received during this campaign. I want to make one thing very clear – I do not feel defeated. Disappointed, yes. But defeated? Not at all.

We started this journey with big goals and ambitious hopes. Although the outcome wasn’t what we had envisioned, I am grateful for the experience and the connections we forged along the way.

To the hundreds of volunteers who partnered with us in so many ways to help carry out our message:

My sincerest thanks to each of you. You have proven that when we stand together, we are a mighty force.

To the army of selfless and talented individuals on my campaign team: The hundreds of hours you sacrificed for this cause are a testament to your dedication and passion. My gratitude to each of you runs deep.

This effort is a testament to the power of grassroots organizing, the strength of our community, and the belief that together, we can make a difference. And I believe we did make a difference.

This campaign was never just about winning an election; it was about giving a voice to those who have been unheard for far too long. Our district has been disconnected from the decisions made in the halls of power. I entered this race because I believe in the power of community. I believe that every person, no matter where they live or who they are, deserves to be heard, respected, and represented.

Lee County is rich in diversity, talent, and resilience. At times, our voices have been drowned out by those who do not understand our struggles or share our values and vision. The primary election results from District Five echo that message loudly.

District Five is undeniably the most underrepresented and underserved area of Lee County. The fact that our grassroots campaign secured 65% of the vote in that district serves as a clear mandate for restructuring the local government to adopt single-member districts. Moreover, our campaign’s overwhelming success in my home precinct, where we won 87% of the vote, further strengthens the case for this crucial change.

We still have hard work to do. We must continue to try and hold our elected officials accountable for the decisions we have entrusted to them. We still have a responsibility to ensure that our voices are heard.

While I may be disappointed by this outcome, I remain determined to fight for what I believe in and to stand up for my community in every way that I can. As I have said many times over the past five months, I love Lee County. All of Lee County.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support, your belief, and your commitment to our shared vision.

Amanda Cochran

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