By: Mike Welch |—We Want to Hear From You!
Recently on January 6th the East Lee Chamber hosted the Annual Pre-Session Legislative Luncheon featuring our state senators and hosted by our own State Senator Kathleen Passidomo. The senator highlighted continued infrastructure improvements in our area as well as increased funding from the Legislature on our ever expanding schools particularly in East Lee County.
In addition the Chamber hosted along with the Lee County Office of Economic Development a “Break the Ice” Conference for the discussion or adequate drinking water supply going into the future. Growth demands that we look at this as a region. Held on the January 10th – the utility and water supply operators of the region came together under the chair of Senator Passidomo. She asked them to begin to form study groups on the local/regional situation as Florida takes a closer look into our needs. The Senator emphasized that solutions and the way forward come from local experience and contribute to sound policy. The group will come back with frameworks and an outline by the fall of 2025. Both the Lee EDO and the East Lee Chamber of Commerce will continue to coordinate the project.
Speaking of the Chamber – don’t forget the Chambers’ Annual Gala scheduled for Saturday, March 29th at the Plantation Golf & Country Club. Details to follow.