The Holidays Are Upon Us!!!

Salvation-Army-Bell-Ringers copy

By: Major Brenda Lane


Did you know it is only a little over 8 weeks until Christmas!?! But, of course, we have Thanksgiving to celebrate before that. We at The Salvation Army need your help. We would love to be able to supply a few families with the necessary food items for a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with their family.

We need canned goods such as green beans, yams, corn, mixed vegetables, jars of gravy. We also would love to supply them with items such as instant mashed potato, dressing mix, mac & cheese, pasta, muffin/cornbread mix. It would be great to be able to provide each family with a chicken or ham or some other meat to finish out the dinner. Lehigh Acres is a wonderful, giving community and we know we can count on you to help us, help those who are really struggling right now and just can’t provide for their family. We are asking you as a community to step up and help make sure that every family needing a little help, will get it because of your generosity and compassion for others. If you are able to help even with a few canned goods or some dry goods, that would be great.

You can drop those things off at our office Monday thru Friday, 8:30 am to 12:noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00pm


There, I said it!! We are already into the Christmas mode here at The Salvation Army in Lehigh. As we shared above, we would also like to be able to supply a few families with Christmas Dinner. We would like to have the same items as listed in the above paragraph. Turkeys, Hams, Pork Roast, these would be amazing for a family to sit down to on Christmas day. We need your help to make that happen. We will be providing several hundred children with toys and it would be wonderful to make the holiday complete with a lovely dinner as a family. Can we count on you to help us make that happen?? I know we can. We look forward to seeing many of you as you stop by to drop off the items requested.


We are currently looking for Bell Ringers to man our Red Kettles. If you are interested, please call or come by our office to apply. 25 Homestead Rd N #42 33936, Lehigh Acres.  You may reach us at 239-491-6071.

Blessings for a wonderful Holiday Season to all!!

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