Day: June 28, 2022

Animal Cruelty Task Force Arrests

Animal Cruelty Task Force Arrests

By Sheriff Carmine Marceno One of our recent arrests involving the death of a canine caught the attention of local news agencies. The individual locked his one-year-old Doberman inside of a scalding hot vehicle and left him for an inexcusable amount of time resulting in fatal heatstroke. Sadly, this is but one of a number […]

The Lehigh Acres Senior Center Offers So Much For Our Seniors Every Month!

The Lehigh Acres Senior Center Offers So Much For Our Seniors Every Month!

By Lehigh Acres Senior Center We are offering several dance and fitness programs ranging from beginner to intermediate. Dancercise is where Aerobics meets line dancing and is for all dance levels. We have a high energy leader who is willing to help with any questions or concerns you might have with modifications that best suit […]

The Salvation Army: A Letter from Major Lane

The Salvation Army: A Letter from Major Lane

By Major Brenda Lane Dear Friends and Community Family, I hope this note finds each of you well and enjoying the Summer weather we are having, and yes, the rain, we need the rain. June brings us to the halfway mark for the year 2022!! Can you believe how fast it is passing with each […]

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