Rest for the Weary

By: Pastor Frank Jones | Alva Church of God

Have you ever made a call and received a Virtual Assistant? I sure have. The frustration of trying to reach a real person or a customer service representative seems almost impossible.  

In a world that has more presumed reality than actual genuine realities. With global Artificial Intelligence, AI has become more and more prevalent in our day-to-day business.  

It is hard to determine what is real and what is not. Jesus told us, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” John 14:9. Are you looking for what is real? Genuine? Something that is tangible? Something you can see? Something you can grasp hold of? Believe in? This real Jesus is the real thing. He is not a plastic Jesus seen in many manger scenes at Christmas He is living-breathing-touchable and attainable. He goes way beyond that plastic Jesus image.  

He grew, gave His life, and rose again so we may experience real life.

St. John tells us, “In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.” John 1:4.

Jesus is more than a storybook character. More than just a moment in History. He is real, alive, just wanting and waiting to become part of your life.

He wants to give us hope, in a world where few have any. Joy where sadness seems commonplace. Peace, where turmoil appears to be the order of the day. All the anxieties and stress this life has caused can be washed away simply by allowing Him to have control.

Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Rest, not just sleep. Rest in our minds. Peace that is hard to understand until you’ve experienced it. In a life full of hustle and bustle, where everyone is always in a hurry, this fast-paced existence can be exchanged for a life of peace and joy. This comes with the genuine relationship that only Christ can give.  

I still believe in the Wonder Working Power of God in our World today. Why not take a chance and give Jesus, the real one, a try. You will be surprised when Jesus replaces worry and doubt at the center of your life.

In a world of fakes and computer generated realities, why not look to the one who made it all.  Allow Him to give you a reality check. Try and trust Him to give you what you’re really looking for. You will not be disappointed.

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