By: Matthew Maher PE, PTOE, RSP2I | Senior Associate & Traffic Engineer, Stantec
Within the past five years, Lee County, Florida has averaged over 100 fatal and 600 serious injury crashes on an annual basis. This roughly translates to billions of dollars in societal costs per year. The Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is currently developing a Safety Action Plan for all state, county, and city roadways within Lee County to identify projects and policies that have a track record of reducing these fatal and serious injury crash events. The MPO would like to hear from you on roadways that you would like us to focus on as far as safety improvements are concerned. We are also interested in hearing your ideas on how we can improve roadway safety. Provided below is a QR code to our project survey for you to provide feedback to inform our study.
Also, please SAVE THE DATE for our upcoming Public Meeting on Monday, December 9th from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn Fort Myers Airport/FGCU, 16410 Corporate Commerce Way in Fort Myers. The purpose of this meeting is to gather safety issue feedback and present potential improvements to address the high crash areas. MPO staff and consultants will be available at the meeting to answer questions and provide a brief presentation. We highly appreciate your ongoing involvement in this study to address this urgent public safety health crisis.