The Kicker
By: Butch Swank | butch@goodladandswank.com| President, SWFL Business Alliance + Owner, Goodlad & Swank Insurance, LLC If you’ve ever watched playoff football, you are familiar
By: Butch Swank | butch@goodladandswank.com| President, SWFL Business Alliance + Owner, Goodlad & Swank Insurance, LLC If you’ve ever watched playoff football, you are familiar
By: Butch Swank | butch@goodladandswank.com | President, SWFL Business Alliance + Owner, Goodlad & Swank Insurance, LLC A while back, I wrote an article about
By: Butch Swank | butch@goodladandswank.com | President, SWFL Business Alliance & Owner, Goodlad & Swank Insurance, LLC I want to talk about the idea of
By: Joshua Yates | Owner, Valor Construction From the dawn of civilization, mankind has gathered around fire for warmth, cooking, and protection. However, the benefits
By Butch Swank | butch@goodladandswank.com My wife always gives me the business about how, when I speak with my old buddies, we mercilessly make fun
By: Butch Swank Over the past six months or so, I’ve spoken to people out and about or here in the office, and the recurring
Why Military Mail Should Be Postage-Free By: Richard Erschik In the land of the free and the home of the brave, it’s astounding that the
Sent from Reader Georgette Lundquist Butch- I just went out and got my mail and my new copy of ROAR was in the mailbox. What
By: Butch Swank I’ve been thinking about the meaning of a lot of words lately. Patrick Henry said six amazing words that until pretty recently,
By: Butch Swank I believe the home insurance market is healing. In 2020, when it became apparent that the home insurance market was in dire
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