City of Fort Myers Awarded $1,072,824 in CDBG-DR Funding


The City of Fort Myers has been awarded $1,072,824 from the Lee Board of County Commissioners for Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding as part of ongoing Hurricane Ian recovery and resiliency projects. The Lee Board of County Commissioners approved the execution of the written agreement with the City of Fort Myers at the Board of County Commissioners meeting on August 6th.  

In 2023, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that Lee County  received $1,107,881,000 in funding to support long-term recovery efforts following Hurricane Ian (FEMA DR-4673-FL) through the Office of Disaster Recovery (ODR) within the Office of Community Planning and  Development. 

“We recognize the urgent need for continued opportunities to build back after Hurricane Ian, especially  in the areas of housing, economic recovery, critical infrastructure and public facilities,” said City of Fort  Myers Mayor Kevin Anderson. “The City remains committed to the region’s overall recovery planning  process, redevelopment and sustainability efforts.” 

The City of Fort Myers submitted their application for funding in February 2024 to support recovery in  the areas of the Stormwater Master Plan, Comprehensive Plan and the Threats, Hazards, Incidents and  Risk Assessment (THIRA). A total request of $1,222,824 was originally submitted to support City project  priorities.  

“The City is grateful for this award as we continue to rebuild post-Ian,” said Jessica McElwee, Grants and  Special Projects Director for the City of Fort Myers. “These planning projects are essential to creating a  more resilient Fort Myers with innovative solutions for housing and infrastructure to serve our growing  population.” 

According to CDBG-DR funding compliance, plans will be implemented within 24 months. To learn more, visit

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