Month: July 2024

Why Primaries Are Important

Why Primaries Are Important

By: Susie Allen August 20th, 2024 is the date of the upcoming primaries in Florida. Here in Lee County there are several challengers seeking to replace several of our sitting Lee County Commissioners. Generally speaking there is an emphasis on general elections Republican vs Democrats. Even those of us who believe we are informed and […]

Be A Lubber, Not A Fighter! The Eastern Lubber Grasshopper

Be A Lubber, Not A Fighter! The Eastern Lubber Grasshopper

By: Kara Tyler-Julian If you’ve spent time in the natural areas of Florida, chances are you have encountered a large, distinctive insect known as the Eastern Lubber Grasshopper (Romalea guttata), or Lubber for short. The Eastern Lubber Grasshopper is native to Florida and the Southeastern United States and is a member of the family Orthoptera- […]

Making the Most of New AI

Making the Most of New AI

By: Trey English An age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has arrived, brought on by a recent invention called the Large Language Model (LLM) that gives computers mastery of everyday human speech. LLM AI software is both already amazing and improving at a breathtaking clip. Large and capable companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta […]

Protecting Your Personal Information

Protecting Your Personal Information

By: Kevin Karnes Every day, you do something to protect yourself. You lock your door at night. You look both ways before crossing the street or pulling out into traffic. But when you think of safety and security, do you think about ways to protect your personal or financial information? Keeping this kind of information […]

Still Serving

Still Serving

By: Pat Whitehall Did you know that the oath taken when joining the military is a lifetime commitment for VFW members? They served our country honorably and are now dedicated to serving the communities in which they reside. The impact of their efforts goes from coast to coast and is accomplished around the world.   Joining […]

East Lee County Chamber Hosts Region Luncheon: “Lee County Moving Together Into The Future – The Value Of Service”

East Lee County Chamber Hosts Region Luncheon: “Lee County Moving Together Into The Future – The Value Of Service”

By: Mike Welch June 17th at the Plantation GCC in Gateway/Eastern Fort Myers saw citizens come together for presentations by Lee County Commissioner, Cecil Pendergrass and County Manager, Dave Harner.  Pendergrass is also member of the Board of Directors of the East Lee County Chamber.  Members and guests of the Chamber came from the various […]

School Is Out – Drive Cautiously

School Is Out – Drive Cautiously

By: Sheriff Carmine Marceno The summer is upon us and the Lee County school year has ended. The dynamics of our streets and roadways change dramatically as children play on sidewalks, chase one another and run haphazardly in all directions. These conditions place an additional and significant burden on those operating motor vehicles. As always, […]

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